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Hot Oil Hair Massage.

Did you know that frequent washing of hair often strips them of essential nutrients? Hair oil works as a perfect replenishing agent that provides excellent hair nourishment. 

Massaging the oil on the scalp helps in opening your pores for absorption. It also increases blood circulation, strengthens roots, and improves hair growth.


It is normal to lose between 50-150 hair strands every day. But if you are experiencing more than this, then an oil massage could be just what you need. Oil massage increases the blood circulation in your scalp and stimulates the nutrients to your hair roots,  strengthening the hair. It prevents dandruff, controls frizz, nourishes the hair, stimulates hair growth and prevents premature greying of the hair.

blonde hair

Glow & Shine.

How To...

If you have the time, i would reccomend trying to set the scene to help send you into a deeply relaxed state. For example, putting on some meditation music, mantra's or rain forest sounds, light some candles, burn an incense stick or put on a oil diffuser. Anything that helps your mind relax.


What You Need:


  • Oil (Trying using our Hair Oil made specifically using ayurvedic known oils) But any Oil will work.

  • 2 Bowls (1 bigger than the other)

  • Hair Comb/Brush

  • Hot Water

  • Candles (Optional)

  • Music (Optional)

  • Incense/Wax Melt/Diffuser (Optional)


A double boiler is one of the easiest ways to warm oil to the perfect temperature. You will need two glass or thin ceramic bowls, one bigger than the other.


Pour enough hot water into the larger bowl so that when the smaller bowl is placed inside of it there is just enough water to gently touch the bottom of the bowl, but not overflow.


Pour your oil into the smaller bowl.

Gently swirl the oil with your fingers, and after a minute or so the temperature of the oil in the top bowl should be just right.


Gently massage the oil into your scalp using circular motions and coat rest of the hair. Do this for about 10-15 minutes for the best benefits.

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