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Image by Autumn Goodman

Ayurvedic Tongue Scraper& Oil Pulling

Tongue scraping is an ancient practice that helps to stimulate the internal organs through energetic connections with the rest of the body and cleanse the body by removing bacteria from your oral cavity.


The ancient Ayurvedic recommendation of tongue scraping is one that is often overlooked. There are many benefits to this daily practice. Your tongue is a major detoxification muscle and we often don't see or realise the build up on our tongue. Scraping off the layer of 'stuff' on your tongue will help remove bacteria from the mouth, promote healthy oral care, improve breath and prevent denture problems.

Since the tongue and oral cavity are gateways between your mind-body system and the outside environment, maintaining the health of this vital organ is critical to general well-being. 


Oil pulling has such health benefits as improving oral flora, preventing tooth decay, alleviating bad breath, and strengthening the tissue of teeth and gums. It helps strip the cavaties of any build-up and can help whiten teeth.


 Use our tongue scraper & oil kit daily Coming Soon.

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